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Sunday, May 7, 2017

IT'S NOT ABOUT ME- Friendship

It Not About Me - Friendship
Have you ever had a friend disown you, or mad for reasons beyond what you can understand?
I have. I tend to try to not make friends with overly complicated people but occasionally I feel God call me out of my comfort box of friends to reach out to someone new, not like me, or my style or ways. I have this friend that makes ups and downs and a problem out of what I don't understand.
What have I learned from constantly finding grace in these situations? "It's not about me". This statement that is usually used as a selfish remark, is not entirely selfish at all. The trap I fall into is really a completely unselfish way that I make it about me. You see I do what I think a person who hurt someone would want to do, say sorry and seek forgiveness. Figure out what I did wrong and fix it.
But what if you didn't do anything wrong, or the person can't tell you what's wrong or the situation is more complicated then what you can understand? "It's not about you." See often God is using others to shape our life and their lives. Chances are what God is working out in them, you aren't gonna understand, cause it's not about you. God might just be using the circumstances you are in. Maybe all your job is, is to learn to forgive them for the misunderstanding and move on. Today the move on in this statement means, let her not be my friend.
I was very very saddened by this for so many years I have tried so hard to be a benefit in her life. To speak love and life in her brokenness understanding I too have brokenness. But something else broke, something that was beyond my understanding. God had to, once again, teach me, it's not about me.
I feel set free from the burden of what wrongs I could have done by excepting God is working in all of us. This is not for me to fix because it's not about me.  I know my lessons have been "live unoffened" and realizing somebody else problem with me might just be God using me as a tool to shape them. If I can be ok with that, then I can forgive their response as they work out those feelings with God, not me.
I remember having a conversation with one of my jesus friends about this; being God's means, being a useful tool. So what he is using me for, isn't always about me.
This is where the serenity prayer fits perfectly.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Thursday, May 4, 2017


Marrige: i'm not happy
God: I didn't call you to happiness I called you to serve  
Marriage is serving as if you are working for the lord. 
Love him most, like you love the Lord.
Love her most, like you love the Lord.So much honesty and healing can come on broken prayer before the Lord. He heals and strengthens every worn heart. Psalms 34:18

Monday, May 1, 2017

The Mimicers-Children

The "mimicers"
My children come with a whirl wind of emotions. I find the emotional drain of argueing far more taunting then the physical demands of babies and toddlers.
Running the set of the olders is an emotional demand of convincing them to do what they don't want to do, on a constant basis!
 It's do your chores, do your school work, do your room, your laundry and every other thing they should be doing. That's when you get the answer of "awe" but not in a sweet way "awe". It's the whiny "awen" it needs an "n" in the whine cause I think it's the new "no"!
They really want to say "NO". But, they have learned "no" gets a  punishment. So  they have learned to hide  the "n" in "awe-nnnnnn" to which my motto answer has formed in that of a Nike saying "just do it!"
"Child, can you please do the dishes."
"Just do it"
"Child, write down the spelling words"
"Just do it"
"Do your math, JUST DO IT"
I hadn't realized I had adopted the Nike phrase until, my one year old at the end of one school day that I apparently had to say "just do it" 900 times, stole the white board pen wrote something and said "i.n.p.o." tapped the white board looked at my olds son and said "just do it!"
We all busted up laughing. Nothing like having the littles to mimic all that you are doing so you know exactly what you look like! May we enjoy it in laughter and correction.
Lord, we are so closely being watched by our young. Help us be good examples, but more lord help our children have hearts of forgiveness and grace toward us as we are still human. Lord may our examples of stumbling and forgiveness be what makes a humble, loving child. May we have grace for ourselves to get up and try again the next day under your mercies and forgivness. Thank you for the tools you give us of being the best ultimate parent who loves us gently and disciplines in love. May we always lift our children up to be solely yours. That what they do matters most for you not me. Help us see where we can take the focus off us as parents and turn it back to you. May we always be putting our children at the feet of you lord Jesus. In your loving name amen!


My husband has always begged me to be a blogger and I struggled because I don't want to be put in a box.......EVER!
 So who is my target audience ....EVERYONE!
My writing style is witty charming and contraverseal, from a half educated view, that is driven more by passion and "prove it to me" aspects! It's easily understood, that even a child could grasp what I am saying.
I'm fully conservative but love to see the other side, just to know how the shoe fits. Usually it makes me 10 times more passionate in what I had already believed before the experience but at least I'm willing to play into all sides. Nothing like the Devils advocate just to get a little perspective.
Most of what I say should rock a church, persuade the middle of the road and humble a liberal. But not all topics will be so compelling.
I enjoy funny as much as a deep serious conversation and will constantly float in between.
I am 100 percent real and up front that even if we were in a face to face converstation I would ask you your deepest secrets and tell you my truest feelings in the utmost love and respect. But with some help of the book of boundaries,  I'm learning how to let others have theirs.
With that said I will be writing under a fake name to keep all others at a safe respect. But with a little more insight of how open and honest I am, it's enough to want to tell you, my name is fake, everything else is ....NOT!
Betsy Marie is a wonderful name of the 40s a much admired generation for me love the music, the attire and the attitude!
So Betsy Marie it is.
Although I was not born in the 40's, I am much younger I come from a small town that has recently exploded. I feel like an 80 year old woman trying to slow down the change.
My topics will be categorized so you can search only what intrests  you or you can dabble on the other side if you enjoy my style of writing anyways.
Just for fun
Ranch and Pets